
PropertyPistol Insight Team

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COVID Resources For Everyone In Need


The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has hit India like a brick on the face. While everyone is suffering, patients are gasping for oxygen in major parts of the country. This is the time of crisis humanity has never experienced before. It seems like the pandemic of the 1900s all over again, only worse. Even after years of technology and human advancements, the lack of investment in healthcare infrastructure has come to the forefront.Read more

Covid-19 And its ongoing impression on the construction Industry

The second wave of COVID-19 has devastated major Indian states, leaving people gasping for oxygen. Every day, hospitals and crematoriums run out of space, giving everything into the hands of fate. From major cities, this deadly second wave is now penetrating small cities, disrupting every industry in between.… Read more

What is BIM Technology in construction, and why do you need it.

Technology is transforming the way we live, function, and interact everywhere. It is moving so fast that it is tough to recall life before the Internet, mobile devices, and wireless connections. … Read more

7 ways to increase rent and value of your property

There is a direct and distinct correlation between the rental income of a property and its appearance. The presentation of property attracts tenants and this a proven fact. Read more

Real Estate Developers Step Forward in Aiding Medical Infrastructure Setup

Amidst the rising second wave of COVID-19 that has put India in one of the worst healthcare crises, Real Estate developers extend their support in setting up medical infrastructure. Read more

PropertyPistol Insights

L & T Seawoods Residences 1

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How is 3D printing reshaping the real estate?

Additive technology, also known as 3D printing is a kind of technology that has various applications now as well as in the future. 3D printing can impact numerous aspects related to industrial automation and the real estate industry. Read more


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PropertyPistol Insights Report – April 2021

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Solar Panels for your Homes | Advantages of using Solar Panels

The sun is the source of solar energy. Solar panels transform sunlight, which consists of energy molecules known as “photons,” into electricity. It can be utilized to control power requirements. … Read more

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