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Weekly News: Women to get an upper hand in PMAY scheme

Know this week’s top stories in just a minute. Watch latest news video from PropertyPistol.com.… Read more

If Life Is Insured, then why not Property?

Property insurance means the insurance that takes care of your goods, material or equipment required for your business or your home against any loss like that of theft, fire or any other natural calamities. Read more

Impact of GST, RERA, PMAY on the real estate market

The impact of GST, RERA and PMAY on the real estate market has changed the scenario of the property bazaar. Ever since these reforms have been brought into practice, it has definitely increased the sales and invited investors to invest more into the real estate sector. Read more

Navi Mumbai and Mumbai’s Metro work in full swing!

The most awaited Mumbai metro work is in full swing and expected to be completed in couple of years. Aiming to reach interiors of Navi Mumbai & Mumbai where local trains cannot reach, thus reducing the traffic and fuel consumption. Read more

Things to keep in mind before taking home loan

Cut in Repo rate by Government and decrease in home loan interest rate by .5 bps by SBI and other banks brought relief in homebuyers. Read more

Mivan Shuttering – A real estate budding innovative technology

The construction industry is one of the world’s largest industries. Over a decade the construction industry has undergone technological advancement, and innovative ideas have emerged. Read more

Pune Metro and Real Estate Growth

Pune is India’s eighth-populated and Maharashtra’s second-largest city after Mumbai. Pune has seen tremendous industrial growth since 2000 leading to rapid urbanization and an increase in population and people migrating for job opportunities from a different part of the country.Read more

Selling a property, you must consider following

Planning to sell property?  It’s not as easy as pasting up ‘for sale’ sign and waiting for the buyers to come to you.  Before publicly announcing, make sure you know basics of selling and not land up in any false deal. Few tips and tricks you should know about property selling. Read more

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