Understanding Relinquishment Deeds: A Guide to Property Division!


In the intricate world of property transactions and division, one term that often arises is the “relinquishment deed.” This legal document plays a crucial role in situations where property is divided among family members or co-owners. In this blog, we will delve into what a relinquishment deed is, how it is used in property division, and the key aspects you need to know.… Read more

Partition Deeds Unveiled: How Women’s Property Rights Are Defined by HC!


The Bombay High Court has ruled that property received by a woman through a partition deed is not considered inheritance under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.… Read more

Cancellation of Sale Deed, India: A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Rights!


A sale deed is a vital legal document that represents the transfer of property from one party to another. It serves as evidence of ownership and specifies the terms and conditions of the sale, including the sale price, property description, and the identities of both the buyer and seller. While the sale deed is considered legally binding, there are circumstances in which it can be cancelled or revoked in India. In this blog, we’ll explore the scenarios and legal procedures involved in the cancellation of a sale deed in India.… Read more

Inheriting Wealth: Your Roadmap to Managing Assets After a Loved One’s Demise!


When a person dies, their assets are passed on to their legal heirs. This process is known as inheritance. In India, the inheritance of assets is governed by the Indian Succession Act, 1925.… Read more

Supreme Court of India Upholds Karta’s Right to Sell HUF Property!


The Supreme Court of India has held that the Karta of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) can sell HUF property without the consent of the other members of the family. This was held in the case of Sri Narayan Bal v. Sridhar Sutar (1996) 8 SCC 54.… Read more

Spousal Consent No More: Women’s Property Rights Affirmed by HC!


In a landmark ruling, the Calcutta High Court has held that a wife does not need her husband’s permission to sell property registered in her name. The court also emphasized that a wife is not her husband’s property and does not require his approval for everything that she does.… Read more

Property Rights of Illegitimate Children: Understanding Legal Frameworks!


The property rights of illegitimate children in India have evolved over time. Under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, illegitimate children were not entitled to any share in the ancestral property of their father. However, the Supreme Court of India has held that this provision is discriminatory and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution.… Read more

Navigating Property Auctions: Implications of the Supreme Court’s Decision!


In a recent SC’s ruling, the Supreme Court has held that a borrower cannot redeem his or her mortgaged property after the lender has published an auction notice. This means that once the lender has started the process of selling the property, the borrower cannot simply repay the loan and get the property back.… Read more

Property Allotment Letters: Varieties and Legal Framework Unveiled!

An allotment letter is a document issued by a builder or developer to a buyer, confirming the purchase of a property. It is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, such as the price of the property, the payment terms, and the possession date.… Read more

Supreme Court’s Decision on Property Rights for Void Marriage Children!


Supreme Court: Children born out of a void or voidable marriage are entitled to a share in their parents’ property. The Supreme Court ruled on Friday that Hindu joint family property governed by Hindu Mitakshara Law is entitled to a share of the property of the parents. … Read more

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