Why you should buy a ready-to-move-in property?


All are looking for a stable area that is well-equipped with all facilities, centers, and acceptable surroundings and is ready to go. Read more

Everything you need to know about NOC in Home Loan


Have you just paid off your private mortgage? Don’t let your guard down just yet, since you may have one more important task to complete once you’ve paid off your entire mortgage. Read more

Benefits of purchasing a property during its ‘new launch’ phase

Why investing in a property during its launch phase is a good idea? The reasons are listed below.Read more

Why Apartment Living is the Best Option?

Since the pandemic gripped a firm globally, most company groupings, as well as various tiny and medium businesses, have moved to earn money working from home heritage. Read more

Why should you invest in Tier-II Cities in India?

While metro cities such as Mumbai, Chennai, and the National Capital Region used to drive India’s real estate industry, unaffordable asset costs, high production-related costs, a scarcity of land resources, and consistently declining demand are pressuring real estate buyers and developers to relocate to Tier-II cities instead.Read more

Why property valuation is necessary for buyers?


You might not know where to start if you’re thinking about selling your home. Read more

No property tax on residential homes of up to 500 square feet in Mumbai


MUMBAI: The Maharashtra government announced on Saturday that property taxes on housing units of up to 500 square feet placed inside the Mumbai municipal area boundaries will be cancelled. Read more

How Enhancement Fees in Real Estate Affects Property Prices?


Real estate is known for its twisted jargon which may come across as difficult for the inexperienced. Read more

All About Mutation Of Property and Why it is Important!

The mutation is one of the multiple legal processes that new buyers need to follow to get ownership of their home or property. Read more

Why you should invest in environment-friendly real estate investment-Vangini?

Vangini is one of the urban areas of India situated in extreme nearness to the city of Mumbai. Read more

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