Know your debt to income ratio before taking a home loan


Before we begin, consider Ajay, who has obtained a loan of approximately 15 lakhs for his business. He earns ₹30,000 from his business and has a very good credit score that ranges between 700 and 900. Ajay, on the other hand, has a dream of owning his dream home and has applied for a home loan of 35 lakhs. Ajay is confident that his loan application will be approved, but he fails to get it, shocked to know why?Read more

Tips to calculate rental affordability


Renting a place of one’s own is a huge step, especially for first time renters. Whether you are moving into your first home with a brand new job, or leaving home with family to start afresh in a new city, finding the right place that does not put a hole in your pocket is a big win. Read more

Here’s how you can find the right tenant with the right rental listing


The first interaction that any potential tenant will have with your property is your rental listing. That’s why your rental listing needs to be crafted with care and attention. Read more

3 Types of real estate properties and their differences


Real estate investment comes in several varieties, and having a thorough understanding of the various kinds is vital so you can choose the right one for you. Read more

5 Reasons why luxury living in South Mumbai is a good choice

Mumbai, also known as ‘the city that never sleeps,’ is always buzzing with activity. For many, the city is a dream where they want to own a home. Among Mumbai residents, businesspeople, and socialites, south Mumbai is becoming increasingly popular. Its expansive and vibrant suburbs add to its glamour. Read more

Understanding the types of residential properties before investing


As realty comes in a lot of forms, real estate becomes a huge business. Residential property has a lot of sentiments attached to it. Even though people plan on investing in flats or apartments for commercial purposes, the residential property carries a lot of emotion with it. There are many reasons that could be the cause of unsold inventory, which creates problems for property developers.Read more

Here’s a quick guide to Wellness Homes


In today’s world, finding a home has gone beyond getting four walls and a roof over your head. Read more

Understanding the sales timeline for agricultural land is the new trend


Agriculture and food are primary aspects of a thriving economy. Food is essential for humans and agricultural lands provide it for the nation. Agriculture is a safe capital investment but has the same problems as other real estate sectors like unsold inventory. Due to this, agricultural lands are being made into residential areasRead more

Schemes for affordable housing before PMAY and what makes PMAY different from others

As a result of the huge population movement following independence, the Government of India (GOI) experienced a massive housing challenge, particularly in urban locations. Read more

Plan your dream home with a single income through these helpful tips

When it comes to the key to the biggest achievement in life, isn’t it true that buying a dream home is the one for every millennial? Read more

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