
About Alamo XS Real

Alamo XS Real


Mr. S.G. Prabhakaran, the founder of XS Real, was steadfast in two things. Firstly. transparency in all its dealings. This transparency was not restricted to buyers alone but in all its dealings with employees. Government institutions, vendors, JV partners and customers. A visionary thought when the industry was clouded by opaque policies and values. Secondly, SGP , as he is fondly called, also laid a lot of emphasis on innovation that is useful and adds value to the buyers. The result of which were path-breaking developments like bungalow-styled apartments, themed developments, customer-specific customizations, etc. As SGP passed on the baton to his son. Prajnesh Gunneswaran, a top-notch tennis player in India, XS Real has made further strides and has strengthened its operations. As a leading sportsman, Prajnesh also realised the importance of ‘teamwork’ and ‘collaboration’ as the routes to success. Therefore, he invited the Alamo Group from Texas, USA to invest and build the future together

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